The Leadership Vision Podcast

Empowering Leaders Through Strengths Communicator Training!

June 24, 2024 Nathan Freeburg Season 7 Episode 26
Empowering Leaders Through Strengths Communicator Training!
The Leadership Vision Podcast
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The Leadership Vision Podcast
Empowering Leaders Through Strengths Communicator Training!
Jun 24, 2024 Season 7 Episode 26
Nathan Freeburg

In this episode of the Leadership Vision Podcast, host Nathan Freeburg introduces the upcoming Strengths Communicator Training led by Dr. Linda and Brian Schubring. This program is aimed at helping leaders understand and apply strength-based approaches to foster positive team cultures. Participants of past cohorts, Brian Peters and Sarah Simon, share their experiences and the transformative impact of the training. The episode offers insights into the training's four main takeaways and encourages listeners to join the next cohort in August 2024.

03:22 Greatest Takeaway
04:08 Would you recommend?
05:03 Take Aways

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The Leadership Vision Podcast is a weekly show sharing our expertise in discovering, practicing, and implementing a Strengths-based approach to people, teams, and culture. Contact us to talk to us about helping your team understand the power of Strengths.

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In this episode of the Leadership Vision Podcast, host Nathan Freeburg introduces the upcoming Strengths Communicator Training led by Dr. Linda and Brian Schubring. This program is aimed at helping leaders understand and apply strength-based approaches to foster positive team cultures. Participants of past cohorts, Brian Peters and Sarah Simon, share their experiences and the transformative impact of the training. The episode offers insights into the training's four main takeaways and encourages listeners to join the next cohort in August 2024.

03:22 Greatest Takeaway
04:08 Would you recommend?
05:03 Take Aways

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Read the full blog post here!


The Leadership Vision Podcast is a weekly show sharing our expertise in discovering, practicing, and implementing a Strengths-based approach to people, teams, and culture. Contact us to talk to us about helping your team understand the power of Strengths.

Speaker 1:

You are listening to the Leadership Vision Podcast, our show helping you build positive team culture. Our consulting firm has been doing this work for the past 25 years. So the leaders are mentally engaged and emotionally healthy. Hello everyone, my name is Nathan Friberg. Welcome back to the podcast. As you may know, we are gearing up for our next cohort of Strengths Communicator Training. You can read and learn all about it using the link in the description or go to leadershipvisionconsultingcom. Slash training. You can read and learn all about it using the link in the description or go to leadershipvisionconsultingcom slash training. But first here's our president, dr Linda Shubring, who is going to introduce this episode for us and tell you a bit more about the training. Enjoy.

Speaker 2:

Hi everyone. This is Linda Shubring. We have another strengths communicator cohort starting soon. This professional training helps leaders deepen their knowledge and understanding of strengths. We have created this training as a behavior-based approach to interpreting and applying strengths, no matter your context. We call it strengths communicator because the certification is rooted in the fundamentals of the language of strengths and the key in the certification is to fine tune your practice through one-to-one strengths conversations. Brian and I are passionate about empowering leaders and this training is dynamic and cohort based, and we've hosted this training all over the world since 2010. And this one coming up is in Minneapolis, but we've done training in Belgium and Britain and Spain, Singapore, California, Canada and New York City.

Speaker 2:

Participants have ranged in age, from their late teens to enjoying retirement, and I could tell you a lot about this training, but why don't we let people speak for themselves? We have two lovely members of past cohorts that want to share from their perspective about what they learned, and I'm happy to report they're still applying those learnings to their contacts. I want to introduce you to Brian Peters, who was in a cohort in 2020, and Sarah Simon, who was in a cohort in 2022. So give it a listen and after they are done. I will give you a few more pieces of information about what you might learn. You can learn more on our website at leadershipvisionconsultbased. Culture wants to focus on what's right with people.

Speaker 4:

And when we focus on what is right with people, how can they flourish and thrive and really do the best work that they can do as a professional or just within their family?

Speaker 3:

The self-worth and uniqueness of people and ultimately help people be their best selves and, by extension, an organization be its best, should really take strength communicator training.

Speaker 4:

This training allowed us to really dive into what is right with people. That's really the focus of this training is what is right with people and how do we dig into that.

Speaker 3:

And how do we help people uncover that? How do we help people uncover that? Going into it, I was a little nervous if I would actually come out being able to do anything with strengths.

Speaker 4:

I had a lot of self-doubt, I had a lot of questions. I wasn't really confident in my own skill set and my strengths.

Speaker 3:

I wasn't sure that I was actually going to take what I've learned and apply it.

Speaker 4:

Brian and Linda did an awesome job helping me dive into my own strengths and figure out how to utilize that in a strengths conversation.

Speaker 3:

Leaving training, I've actually gone and incorporated what I've learned into my organization and I already see it starting to help people. I'm learning and I'm growing and I'm getting better.

Speaker 4:

I would recommend Strengths Communicator Training to anyone who has a passion for their strengths and wants to bring that into the world.

Speaker 3:

My greatest takeaway from Strengths Communicator Training is that I can actually do this. Brian and Linda do an amazing job facilitating, very engaging. The structure makes a lot of sense and you actually leave there being able to apply what you learned.

Speaker 4:

Brian and Linda have the ability to not only read the room but use the room to energize them as presenters and trainers.

Speaker 3:

They are amazing facilitators and I'm so grateful that I got the opportunity to take strengths communicator training. If it wasn't for that training, I don't think I would be where I'm at today with strengths.

Speaker 4:

They dig deep and you have tears and you have laughter. But from the tears and laughter you have so much growth and their support is amazing.

Speaker 3:

It is a masterclass in using strengths and you won't find a better training out there.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much, brian and Sarah, for sharing for some time. Maybe the time is now. What we want to say is that this training is very interactive and we want to give you the best of the best that we have learned. There are four main takeaways from this training. The first takeaway is that you will have learned the leadership, vision, approach and philosophy to strengths.

Speaker 2:

At the heart of what we teach is that strengths are not prescriptive. It's not memorizing a bunch of information. It is fine tuning and helping people describe what those strengths look like in them as individuals. At the heart of this training, you will become a better story listener. The second takeaway is that you will identify your personal style, how you will host, how you will conduct your conversations in a way that helps unlock and unfold who people are and how they show up in the world.

Speaker 2:

The third takeaway is that we hope that you will have obtained skills and and knowledge to apply strengths to your context uniquely. And the fourth takeaway is that you will have familiarized yourself with the complexity and behavioral nuances of all 34 themes of strength. We know that that's a lifelong process and we want to help people identify some of the talents and behaviors that that give you a sense of maybe. These are how strengths are playing together, how they're pairing together, how they show up and why they show up in certain, certain contexts. At the end of the day, we hope that your confidence will be bolstered and that you will have fun in the whole process.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much, linda, for sharing that information with us, and thank you to Brian and Sarah for giving us some of your feedback. You know we have a lot of past participants who really wanted to share info because this training has been something that has really impacted them and their teams, them as individuals, their whole community and context, and so we would love to invite you to participate Again. You can click the link in the description or visit us on the web at leadershipvisionconsultingcom slash training for more information. The training that we have coming up here is in August of 2024. There are kind of three different periods, so there's something in August, october and November. But, like I said, check the website for more information.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna get going on this really soon and we cannot wait for you to be a part of it. So thank you for listening to the Leadership Vision Podcast, our show helping you build positive team culture. Our consulting firm has been doing this work for the past 25 years so that people are mentally engaged and emotionally healthy. My name is Nathan Freeberg, on behalf of our entire team. Thanks for listening and we hope to see you at the next Strengths Communicator training here in 2024.

Strengths Communicator Training Overview
Impactful Training Invite for 2024